
Domain Registrations: Registrations of domains available under various servers limited to an annual subscription charges varying from Rs.500.00 onwards per domain per year.

Website design and development

Static Site : Design and development of basic site shall consist of systematical lay out of content and design limited to 4 pages, has home page, profile and join us page. Cost shall be Rs. 2000.00 inclusive of hosting exclusive of domain registration charges and annual domain subscriptions charges.

Dynamic Site : Design and development of dynamic site shall consist of more than 8 pages of layout design systematically organized flash images , contents, animations and multimedia works shall have more impact on the viewers minds. Shall have home page, contact us page, profile page, projects page and other relative pages. Cost shall be Rs. 6000.00 excluding domain regisration charges and renewal subscription charges.

Premium Site : Shall be designed and developed on the basis of extended dynamic site consisting of multiple pages of content and images. A structured layout with designed images, graphics and multimedia works with multiple popup pages shall cost Rs. 10000.00 and above excluding domain registration and subscription charges.

Maintenance : Shall maintain and manage your site on basis of periodic uploads, corrections, establishing reliable server links, payment of annual domain subscription charges. Costing shall range from Rs. 500.00 to Rs. 2000.00 onwards depending on the schedule of works, type of website, type of domain links, type of listings and period of listing. Please click here to go for our registration form for webdesigning.

Examples For Website Designs

Examples For Banner Ads

Hosting : The listing of website shall be carried out in accordance with the space requirements. The customers shall buy required space for the website in excess and multiples of 25mb with in the stipulated price range. Bulk hosting and single hosting of websites shall be organized on the basis of space requirements and services to be provided.

Marketing : Shall provide marketing services on an organized web platform linked to major online websites.

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